Prenatal Chiropractic Treatment in Oregon City
Providing Professional Prenatal Chiropractic Services Through Our Licensed Chiropractor
Pregnancy Chiropractic Services | Oregon City

Complete Health Chiropractic Center is fully equipped to help a pregnant woman remain comfortable as her body changes throughout her pregnancy. Dr. Pitcairn is trained in the Webster Technique, as well as SOT (Sacro Occipital Technique).
If you are suffering from morning sickness, hip, back, neck pain, or tightness during your pregnancy, be sure to make an appointment. Dr. Pitcairn will gently and properly adjust your body to safely reduce your pregnancy discomfort.
Mothers who get adjusted during their pregnancy report shorter and easier labor and delivery, as well as less traumatic births. If your baby is breech, please give us a call. The Webster Technique has been proven as a non-invasive, effective way to help the baby move into the proper position.
Complete Health Chiropractic Center is fully equipped to help a pregnant woman remain comfortable as her body changes throughout her pregnancy. Dr. Pitcairn is trained in the Webster Technique, as well as SOT (Sacro Occipital Technique).
If you are suffering from morning sickness, hip, back, neck pain, or tightness during your pregnancy, be sure to make an appointment. Dr. Pitcairn will gently and properly adjust your body to safely reduce your pregnancy discomfort.
Mothers who get adjusted during their pregnancy report shorter and easier labor and delivery, as well as less traumatic births. If your baby is breech, please give us a call. The Webster Technique has been proven as a non-invasive, effective way to help the baby move into the proper position.
What is the Webster Technique?
The Webster Technique is a specific kind of chiropractic adjustment that can be especially helpful for pregnant women. This technique helps with pelvic alignment, nerve system function, and the proper positioning of unborn babies. It is widely used for women that are carrying babies that are in a breech position.
While the Webster Technique is not used to “flip” babies out of a breech position, the act of realigning a pregnant woman’s spine, hips, and pelvis can help the baby maneuver into a more optimal position for delivery.
According to a 2002 survey of members of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), doctors report a high success rate of 82% when it comes to using the Webster Technique as a means of reducing the musculoskeletal causes of intrauterine constraint. With a treatment plan overseen by Dr. Pitcairn, you can receive the support and assistance you need.
If you are pregnant and have been considering a visit with a chiropractor, give Dr. Pitcairn a call today. With the Webster Technique and other prenatal chiropractic services, she will ensure your pregnancy and delivery are as smooth as possible.
What is the Sacro Occipital Technique?
Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) is an innovative chiropractic technique founded by Dr. DeJarnette in 1925. This technique was named after the sacrum, the base of the spine, and the occiput, which is the base of the skull. With this technique, the relationship between the spine, pelvis, and base of the skull is evaluated.
SOT is an effective way to treat pain and discomfort related to the musculoskeletal system. With subtle movements and small adjustments, patients can find relief from pain caused by misalignment. SOT is considered a gentle and holistic chiropractic approach that is safe for pregnant women.
The Benefits of Prenatal Chiropractic Treatments
Pain and discomfort are not uncommon during pregnancy. In fact, more than 75% of pregnant women experience lower back pain, pelvic pain, or a combination of the two throughout the course of their pregnancies. The good news is, the right techniques can ease pregnancy-related aches and pains. According to the American Chiropractic Association, lower back pain, pelvic pain, and several other conditions can be alleviated with prenatal chiropractic treatment.
Dr. Pitcairn’s pregnancy chiropractic services can help provide the following reliefs described below.
Relief From Pregnancy-Related Symptoms
Often women learn to just accept pregnancy discomforts such as nausea, heartburn, shortness of breath, constipation, hemorrhoids, frequent urination, and other symptoms when, in fact, they don’t need to. Regular chiropractic adjustments ensure a well-functioning nervous system, and enable a mother to easily combat many of the hurdles of pregnancy.
Back Pain Relief
Lower back pain is common for pregnant women. Muscles can become easily strained, especially as the baby grows and more weight is carried in the front of the body. To compensate, a lot of pregnant women will bend forward, lean backward, or manipulate their bodies in other ways to try and maintain balance.
Additionally, hormonal changes during pregnancy cause the ligaments in the joints around the pelvis to relax. While this change helps the joints become more mobile and prepares one’s body for delivery, it can sometimes lead to back pain.
Our prenatal chiropractic services in Oregon City are great for realigning posture and easing back pain and soreness. You can work with Dr. Pitcairn at any point in your pregnancy to help ensure as much relief as possible.
Round Ligament Pain Relief
Like back pain, round ligament pain is common for pregnant women, especially in the second and third trimesters. The round ligaments support the uterus on both the right and left sides of the body. They are located near the groin region and are about two inches long prior to pregnancy. As one’s pregnancy progresses, the round ligaments grow and stretch to over eight inches long.
Due to this growth, pregnant women may find themselves experiencing lower groin pain when they go from sitting to standing, sneeze, cough, or make sudden movements. To reduce this pain, prenatal chiropractic care is a great option.
Sciatic Nerve Pain Relief
Pregnancy chiropractic care is one of the best ways to relieve sciatic nerve pain while pregnant. Sciatic nerve pain can be difficult to manage on your own and often requires some kind of therapeutic intervention. Prenatal chiropractic care services are a drug-free and holistic way to gain relief.
Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) Pain Relief
SPD refers to a cluster of different symptoms that pregnant women may experience during their third trimester or sooner. Some of the most common symptoms include pain in the front of the pubic bone, pain in the lower back, and pain in the perineum. These symptoms may make it difficult to use stairs, get out of bed, and resume other activities of daily living.
Whether your SPD symptoms are mild or severe, pregnancy chiropractic treatment and adjustments can have a positive impact. As a prenatal chiropractic specialist, Dr. Pitcairn can reduce your pain, restore overall pelvic function, and see to it that SPD symptoms don’t overshadow the joys of your pregnancy.
Sacroiliac Pain Relief
The sacroiliac joints (SI) are located between the hip bones on either side of the sacrum. These two joints help connect the spine to the hips, and also provide stability while walking. Pain originating from this region can be felt in the lower back and buttocks. SI pain usually occurs on one side and may cause pain, numbness, or tingling to radiate down into the leg.
Baby’s Growth and Development
Chiropractic care helps both mom and baby be as healthy as they can during pregnancy. Getting your spine adjusted regularly ensures that your pelvis is aligned correctly to allow optimum room for your baby to grow and move.
As your pregnancy progresses, hormonal changes begin to relax the supporting tissues of the spine and the weight of the baby can become a major load to bear. This can cause subluxations (spinal misalignment) and can create constraints within the uterus and within your pelvis.
These constraints can interfere with your baby’s presentation at birth, affecting labor and delivery. Studies have now begun to look at the more long-term effects of constraints in the uterus and the developmental effects on infants.
It is important to understand what the latest research has to say about proper spine and pelvis alignment during pregnancy. The right positioning makes for a more straightforward labor, as well as less pain and trauma overall for both moms and babies.
Dr. Irvin Henderson MD (a member of the American Medical Association Board of Trustees) conducted a study which demonstrated that, “Women who received chiropractic adjustments in their third trimester were able to carry and deliver their child with much more comfort.” (1)
Another hospital study found that mothers that incorporated chiropractic adjustments in their pre-delivery routine noted a 50% decrease in the need for painkillers during delivery — a decrease that is directly attributable to pre-delivery adjustments. (2)
Chiropractic care throughout one’s pregnancy can also significantly reduce labor time. Dr. Joan Fallon found that first-time moms averaged a 24% shorter labor, while experienced mothers (those who had given birth before) had a 39% reduction in the average labor time in a substantial percentage of births. (3)
(1) Henderson I MD. American Medical Association records released in 1987 during a trial in U.S. District Court Northern Illinois Eastern Division, No. 76C 3777. May, 1987.
(2) Frietag P. Expert testimony of P Frietag MD PhD., comparing the results of two neighbouring hospitals, US District Court Northern Illinois Eastern Division, No. 76C 3777. May, 1987.
(3) Fallon J DC. The Effect of Chiropractic Treatment on Pregnancy and Labour: A Comprehensive Study.

Oregon City Pregnancy Chiropractic Services
For our expecting clients in Oregon City, prenatal chiropractic treatment is a great way to manage the pain and physical ailments associated with pregnancy. With our holistic chiropractic treatment for pregnant women, you can count on finding the relief you seek.
Dr. Pitcairn believes that all expecting mothers should be treated with exceptional care as they prepare for childbirth and motherhood. To feel your best throughout your pregnancy, give our prenatal chiropractic services in Oregon City a try.
Call Dr. Pitcairn today at (503) 557-9266.