Arthritis Awareness Month: Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Arthritis

Did you know that upwards of 60 million adults and 300,000 kids have arthritis (aka pain or disease in the joints)? You’re likely to get arthritis as you age, and you’re at a higher risk if you are a female, according to the Arthritis Foundation.

With people subject to over 100 types of arthritis, the chances are that at least one person you know is affected. Whether that is you, a friend, or a family member, the right arthritis treatment can make a world of difference.

That’s where a chiropractor, like your friends at Complete Health Chiropractic Center in Oregon City, comes in. In support of Arthritis Awareness Month, we’re going to share a few of the many benefits of chiropractic care for arthritis. If you feel the need to book an appointment after reading, feel free to reach out to us at (503) 557-9266.

Woman suffering back pain due to arthritis

Should You Get Chiropractic Care for Arthritis?

It is a great idea to see a chiropractor to discuss chiropractic treatment if you have been diagnosed with arthritis. Dr. Pitcairn has over 25 years of chiropractic experience, so you can trust that our team has the necessary know-how to help you manage your arthritis symptoms.

First, we’ll perform a detailed examination using cutting-edge technology, digital tests, and x-rays to figure out if it’s the right call to get chiropractic care for your arthritis. We may also ask questions about your medical history, symptoms, and more to best understand your needs and how we can help. Then, once we figure out if chiropractic treatment is right for you, we’ll work with you to create a treatment plan.

Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment for Arthritis Symptoms

Here are a couple of reasons to consider chiropractic care for arthritis:

Joint Pain Relief

Do you have osteoarthritis (the most prevalent type of arthritis, which happens in the event that the cartilage around your bones deteriorates, causing joint discomfort)?

If so, chiropractic care is generally recommended, particularly if you’re facing back pain. We will align your spine, which takes the pressure off of the joints, discs and nerves. That can help you get the much-needed relief you deserve.

Contact us for a free initial consultation to learn more about how we can help benefit arthritis symptoms, including joint pain.

Woman holding shoulder with arthritis pain

Increased Mobility

Another amazing thing about using chiropractic care to treat arthritis is that it can help to improve your range of motion. A spinal adjustment can reduce your joint pain levels and add to your mobility, allowing you to move easier than before.

To help with this, our chiropractor will apply a gentle force to help bring those joints back into alignment and help you move your arms, back, neck, and legs with ease once again. Once this realignment happens, your spine and brain will also communicate better, which can help with your overall body functioning.

Oregon City Chiropractor explaining arthritis pain to patient

Schedule a Free Consultation With Complete Health Chiropractic Center Today

The experts at Complete Health Chiropractic Center provide chiropractic care for arthritis, offering pain relief and an increased range of motion that can help you go about your day without worry. We offer a complimentary consultation for new patients, so if you haven’t met with us about your arthritis yet, now’s the time.

Interested in scheduling an appointment? We are here to assist you. Contact us today at (503) 557-9266.