Chiropractor for Kids Sports Injuries in Oregon City
Proudly providing chiropractic treatment for kids sports injuries in Oregon City, Gladstone, Canby, Estacada, West Linn, Milwaukie, Molalla & More.
Oregon City Chiropractic Care for Kids Sports Injuries

At Complete Health Chiropractic Center, Dr. Pitcairn treats children and teens for sports injuries of all kinds. With chiropractic treatment, your child can experience pain relief and recovery without invasive procedures or medications.
When you choose Dr. Pitcairn as your child’s preferred chiropractor in Oregon City, she will focus on both short-term and long-term recovery goals. Dr. Pitcairn uses gentle chiropractic adjustments tailored to your child’s size to help relieve discomfort and achieve immediate relief.
If your child has experienced a sports injury, or pain and discomfort from intense exercise, schedule a consultation with Dr. Pitcairn today. With chiropractic treatment, your child can experience immediate relief, as well as the support they need long-term to sustain optimal recovery.
If your child is actively involved in sports, you know the risk of injury is prevalent. Sports injuries are common at any age and for any athlete, but especially for adolescents that engage in sports for the first time or competitive gameplay.
At Complete Health Chiropractic Center, Dr. Pitcairn treats children and teens for sports injuries of all kinds. With chiropractic treatment, your child can experience pain relief and recovery without invasive procedures or medications.
When you choose Dr. Pitcairn as your child’s preferred chiropractor in Oregon City, she will focus on both short-term and long-term recovery goals. Dr. Pitcairn uses gentle chiropractic adjustments tailored to your child’s size to help relieve discomfort and achieve immediate relief.
If your child has experienced a sports injury, or pain and discomfort from intense exercise, schedule a consultation with Dr. Pitcairn today. With chiropractic treatment, your child can experience immediate relief, as well as the support they need long-term to sustain optimal recovery.

Schedule a Consultation Today
To start non-invasive, drug-free treatment for your child’s sports injury, schedule a consultation at our office in Oregon City. Dr. Pitcairn will ensure your child receives the support they need through effective chiropractic treatment to recover and get back in the game.
Call Now: (503) 557-9266
Common Causes of Sports Injuries
There are several common causes of sports injuries, especially in children and teens. Regardless of how your child may have injured themselves, chiropractic treatment is a great way to alleviate discomfort and recover fully. Below are some of the most common reasons why sports injuries occur.
Poor Training Methods
Improper form, unfit equipment, inadequate drills, and other weaknesses in a child’s training can lead to injury. Basketball and football, for example, may require one to pivot or turn quickly. These sudden movements can lead to stress and injury, especially if strength training, drills, and other training exercises are insufficient.
Structural Abnormalities
Structural abnormalities most often present themselves in the ankles, knees, and hips. Improper training or strain can lead to uneven leg length, excessive pronation in the feet, and other misalignments in the joints. Chiropractic care is an effective treatment for sports injuries and resolving imbalances.
Overuse & Overtraining
It can take the muscles around 48 hours to recover after a workout, especially if someone is new to a sport or certain exercise. If exercise intensity is increased too quickly or engaged in too often, it can lead to pain, injury, and delayed recovery.
Unsafe Exercise Environment
A poorly maintained track, tennis court, or field can result in trips, falls, slips and other mishaps. Even inclement weather during a game or practice can make one more vulnerable to injury. Regardless of how your child may have acquired their sports injury, Dr. Pitcairn will determine the best course of treatment for recovery.
Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment for Sports Injuries
Chiropractic care differs from traditional methods used to treat injuries. It is holistic, all-natural, and safe to engage in long-term. When your child works with Dr. Pitcairn to address any sports injuries, they will enjoy the following benefits:
Pain Relief
Children and teens with sports injuries can experience a great deal of pain, depending on the severity and site of the injury. Chiropractic treatment offers pain relief at the source. Dr. Pitcairn uses proven chiropractic techniques tailored to your child’s size to relieve pain and discomfort.
Increased Mobility
Stiffness is a common response to pain and discomfort. The muscles surrounding the injury are likely to feel tense both during and even after recovery. Chiropractic treatment helps improve mobility and range of motion, which increases the chance of a full recovery and long-term relief.
Non-Invasive Treatment
Surgery and other invasive treatments may be required for some sports injuries. However, surgery may not always be necessary, especially if the injury can be corrected and healed through chiropractic treatment. Chiropractic care is gentle and holistic, but highly effective. Your child can engage in treatment long-term, with no side-effects or harm.
What to Expect: Working with a Chiropractor for Sports Injuries in Oregon City
Dr. Pitcairn effectively treats sports injuries, as well as any pain or discomfort that may accompany the primary injury. To start, your child will have an initial consultation with Dr. Pitcairn where she will review their health history, family health history, the nature of their sprain or injury, and other relevant factors.
Then, your child will undergo testing, including a physical examination, computer testing, and in-house x-rays, if needed. After the conclusion of these tests, Dr. Pitcairn will review the results and tailor a care plan that best suits the needs of your child and their recovery goals.
Initially, the goal of chiropractic treatment will be to address and resolve any acute pain. Once a desired level of recovery is achieved, your child will move on to maintenance care and treatments that focus on sustaining recovery and preventing future injuries.
No matter how your child was injured or how long they have been living with discomfort, chiropractic treatment for sports injuries is effective, all-natural, and a great way to help them heal properly. Contact Dr. Pitcairn now to schedule an initial consultation for your child.
Learn more over on our What to Expect Page.

Oregon City, OR
Schedule Chiropractic Treatment for Sports Injuries Today
No matter what kind of sports injury your child or teen is dealing with, Dr. Pitcairn is prepared to help you step-by-step until your child achieves the relief they need. Schedule an appointment for an initial consultation for your child with Dr. Pitcairn today.
Call Now: (503) 557-9266